English 2023-11-10T08:40:17+00:00

What is Wisdome?

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The five leading science centers in Sweden have joined forces and will establish front end visualization dome theaters and interactive learning environments in Göteborg, Malmö, Norrköping, Stockholm and Umeå.

The initiative to a national world class visualization platform is made possible by a SEK 150 million donation by Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation. The ambition is to promote interest in science and technology, particularly among the young people of Sweden.

The five arenas are also potential public testbeds for researchers and enterprises. The leading Swedish universities are connected to the initiative.

The use of digital visualization techniques offers unprecedented new opportunities for enhancing and improving learning, education and problem solving across a broad base.

Science centers are, in many ways, seen as the spearheads and focal points for the introduction of new learning approaches and paradigms. The dome environment offers a fantastic opportunity to explain complex interrelationships and phenomena typical for our time.

The Norrköping Visualization Center-C, lead by professor Anders Ynnerman, will produce new content for all five centers and is to be upgraded during 2017. The theaters in Gothenburg (Universeum), Malmö (Malmö museer) Stockholm (Tekniska museet) and Umeå (Umevatoriet) are to be constructed and fully operational in 2019-20.

For this investment in the future of Swedish industry and the country’s long term innovation capability we are looking for partners.
